Seeking to revitalize our nation’s core institutions

The American Dream Lecture Series hosts prominent writers, academics, and thinkers to address some of the most significant cultural and social issues facing the United States today. As we approach the 250th anniversary of America’s founding, what is the health of our national institutions and foundational principles? What threats do they face, and what prospects for reform are available?

Part of AEI’s American Dream Initiative, the American Dream Lecture Series seeks to revitalize some of our nation’s core institutions. In the broad variety and high quality of its featured speakers, it also carries on the tradition of AEI’s Bradley Lecture Series, which for decades enriched policy conversations with high-profile lectures about a variety of issues, including the state of American arts and culture.

John Podhoretz on Art in the Age of Equity

Not so long ago, Americans frequently engaged with art and literature and enjoyed culturally significant events. But over the past generation, fewer works of art have become cultural touchstones. What happened? Why does our art seem to matter less?

John Podhoretz and Yuval Levin


John McWhorter on Language and the Left

In much of our contemporary discourse, the Left attempts to influence political thought by imposing changes to our language. Behind this linguistic activism lies the assumption that the words we use actively shape how we think about the world. Is that true?

John McWhorter and Joshua T. Katz


Walter Russell Mead on Upcoming Foreign Policy Challenges

How would a returning President Donald Trump or an ascendant President Kamala Harris confront upcoming foreign policy challenges? Should we expect major policy changes from either of the major parties? And what impending crises are on the horizon?

Walter Russell Mead and Kori Schake


Ruth Wisse on Antisemitism in the United States

The United States is confronting a distressing rise in antisemitism. How can we effectively counter “the escalation of anti-Jewish politics in America”?

Ruth Wisse and Matthew Continetti


Jonathan Haidt on Social Media and the Fragmentation of American Life

Jonathan Haidt discusses how social media has warped American life and how we can overcome its pernicious influence, followed by a conversation with AEI’s Christine Rosen.

Jonathan Haidt and Christine Rosen


Gary Saul Morson on Russian Literature and the Big Questions

How can Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Chekhov's explorations of good and evil, tradition and revolution, empathy and tyranny, and war and peace guide us in the 21st century?

Gary Saul Morson and M. Anthony Mills


Caitlin Flanagan on the Future of Free Speech

Why is it essential to continue defending free speech against these new challenges, and what are the best strategies?

Caitlin Flanagan and Thomas Chatterton Williams


Yuval Levin on the Constitution and National Unity

In our polarized age, the prospects of finding a source of unity among Americans seem especially daunting. Where can we find help in applying our disagreements to constructive ends?

Yuval Levin and Christopher J. Scalia
